4 comments on “Tone Matrix

  1. 1. right click on the board then click “copy”
    2. open notepad or any text editor application then right click then click “paste”
    3. the format should be 24,16,0,16384,16448,16384,4096,0,256,0,128,0,0,5376,448,5120 – as the diagram above
    4. save the file
    to use:
    1. copy the number sequence
    2. right click on the board then right click then select “paste”

    hope this helps!!

  2. http://www.hobnox.com/audiotool then click start audio tools then tone matrix. then you would see a bunch of gadgets that would add to your tone matrix also you would see a cassette tape on the top left its a record function so record your music. it records for 5mins. then to save you have to log in their website.. dont know if you have to pay.. hope this helps!

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