116 comments on “Avatar: The Last Airbender

  1. Wala akong hilig sa anime, Ghost Fighter lang at DragonBall Z lang pinanood ko… pero Chico dahil sa post na to mukha ngang maganda, makahanap ng ng complete seasons ng Avatar.
    Thnaks Chico for the review…. Magpapabata na ulit ako.

  2. this is one of the best cartoon series ever! i was disappointed with the movie though.

    by the way, there’s going to be a new avatar series: The Legend of Korra. the avatar’s going to be a girl this time. i hope it’s as awesome as the original.

    good to know that another adult likes this show as well. 🙂

  3. the best cartoon series eveeeeeer!

    I got hook as well like 2 years ago when I watched the reruns on ABC5 and then I sourced for DVDs and it never disappointed me, I was like watching until the wee hours in the morning!

    The episode that strucked me was yes, same, the day when Appa was taken from Aang and he was sooo angry he got into that Avatar stage and Katara embraced her and pulled her down (dunno if that was the real sequence)…the movie though was a bit or too much “kulang” on bending…

    The greatest battle – The Battle of Basing Se..soo excited who will play Toph in the movie!

  4. I’m so glad you liked it. I love this animated series! 🙂

    Yup, there is going to be a new one, The Legend of Korra, and I hope it’s at least as good as The Legend of Aang.

  5. Hi chico! thanks for the review, had been wanting to watch this series for the longest time, and your post just re-affirmed my longing 🙂

    by the way, in the line of these animated series, you may also want to check out Naruto. He’s a ninja with a monster sealed within him when he was born, causing him to be hated by everyone. the series basically revolves around his struggles of being alone, dealing with his situation, and and his quest to become top ninja or the hokage.


  6. Just like the other commenters I’m also glad you liked this series. It was very interesting when I saw it. The movie if you plan on watching it. was disappointing for me, I think the general characteristics of the show was ignored, even the simple details of what made the show special did not seem to be brought to the movie.
    Anyway glad you enjoyed the show. and I cannot believe there is actually going to be a new one!

  7. Oh how i love Avatar! we watched as many eps as we could catch when it was new, and have been catching up on Netflix lately too. I like how Aang has to constantly decide between things that need to be done (like preparing to fight the firelord) and things that he wants to do (be a kid). it’s a growing up lesson that’s nice to see in a show aimed towards kids. No kid watching it will ever need to fight the firelord, but they probably have other things in their lives they need to seriously prepare for. (spelling test! *shudder*).

    and I just adore Tof. and her seeing eye lemur! I relate to her in so many ways!

    And there’s a new Avatar show coming? My family will be thrilled!

  8. I once saw my Nickelodeon-addict 10-year-old cousin watching it and then I got hooked. That same night, I started downloading copies of it online from the very first episode of season 1 til the last of season 3. I was completely disheartened (naks) as soon as I was done seeing the ending of season 3, and, like you Chico, ang hirap mag move on, haha! I seriously was craving for more.

    By the way, some of you may find it strange, but Azula is my most favorite character in that series. 🙂

  9. Yay! I loved loved this series too! And I agree, it was hard to move on! 🙂 My friends and I used to duel, with our imaginary bending powers, every time we get to watch the series for the nth time. I think I need to mention we are all 20+. XDD

    General Iroh was my favorite character as Dumbledore was for Harry Potter.

  10. Yup, I saw the show on ABC and couldn’t look away. It’s my favorite show – but shhhh, don’t tell anybody, I’m almost too old to watch cartoons. All the characters are just soo good – even the bad ones, and of course, the ones that don’t talk.
    I never noticed the Aang/Harry thing, though I still reckon Aang’s better…
    And what a terrible excuse of a fan I am. I had no idea there was going to be a new Avatar! But I’m all excited now that I know 😀

    BTW, @azula, that’s totally not strange! She’s one of the best characters in the show 😉

  11. Yay for the Avatar love 🙂 I watched the entire series over a week–book 2 and 3 I watched over the long 4th of July weekend this year. Now I’m watching it again with my husband and we’re nearing the end of Book 2. I can watch it over and over again. I think the episode that made me most emotional was “Tales of Ba Sing Se” and Iroh’s story. I bawled like a baby.

    Favorite character though has to be Toph–I love her attitude and her Earthbending is epic–especially considering she’s only 12 as well.

  12. Avatar is a great series. It’s too bad about what happened with the movie though.

    There actually coming out with a follow up series, Avatar: Legend of Korra, about the Avatar after Aang. Apparently there’s even more steampunk, which for me is awesome.

  13. I LOVE THIS CARTOON! My boyfriend and I cried as we watched the ending. After that, we were both feeling a little down. Like we were in our heads saying “What now??” hehehe.

  14. I, too, was hooked from the first episode I saw. I still haven’t made it all the way to the ending (sadly) because my copies got lost when I was about half way through. Looking to fix that though. This is truly one of those series that just makes you want to be able to join them and be a part of their strong friendship. I don’t really have a favorite episode but I have a lot of favorite scenes.

  15. Interesting comparison between Harry Potter and Avatar. I’m a fan of both, but I didn’t even make those connections. Glad you loved the series, it was probably the best thing on Nickelodeon since Rocko’s Modern Life. =)

  16. I’ve caught a few bits of it here and there but like so much other stuff I really need to watch it more.
    But about the epic failboat live action film, is it a sign it’s bad if someone who has a very limited knowlege of the series and has only watched one or two episodes can tell somethings wrong, same thing happened with Dragon Ball: Evolution XD

  17. My experience was the same, it pretty much occupied all of my free time for 2 weeks of my life. But it was well worth it.

    Too bad the M. Night Shyamalan version was so absolutely terrible.

  18. Thank you! I’m grown up enough to feel “loser alert” over my unbridled passion for the series. I knew absolutely nothing about it until one day this Spring I took my 5-yr-old to see a movie and there was a trailer for M. Knight’s offering. Our jaws were literally hanging throughout the entire preview. We saw the movie 3 times, then watched the entire series straight through on Netflix at home. I was transfixed, right along with my children. I absolutely adored every aspect of it, from the goofiness to the tender to the spiritual, to the teenage angst… the entire thing is so very rich, offering all characters both admirable vulnerability and gradually acquired strength. OK, I could on in my geekdom, but I’ll try to put on a mature voice again. I’m left with two desires I will never realize: the love of a sky bison and the freedom of a glider staff. Sigh. Now that I’ve read your post, I can understand why the Harry Potter series has recently taken over our household. Cheers to you.

  19. I never was interested in this cartoon series until my 8 yr old cousin insisted we watch it. It is really good!

    I told her I wanted to see all the old episodes before I saw the movie. She told me the movie is different and it left a lot of stuff out.
    One day I will catch up and follow the Avatar on his journey.

  20. We started watching this show as a family when our daughter was 5. She’s now 9, and I’m thrilled she had tough and terrific female role models in Toph & Katara. I was so, so, so angry at Mattel when they refused to make any of the girls into toys. They had misc. Fire Bender Soldiers – but refused to make the girls into action figures. Arg! I don’t know if they changed their mind after the movie came out. Still – I will never forgive them. Never! My daughter sometimes still asks – “Mom, do you think Zuko will ever find his mom?” and will they show that? I would love to see that episode!!

  21. I agree that Avatar is one of the best cartoon series ever made. However, I never stopped to consider the similarities with the Harry Potter series (another of my favorites). Of the two though, I think I am more drawn to Aang. Still both series really have a way of drawing you in. The characters are real, multidimensional and very endearing. These are the characters that you never forget.

  22. Yes, another adult fan here. Got hooked with my 12-year-old son, watched every episode multiple times (repeats) on Nickelodeon. Still haven’t gotten the DVDs, I think that will be a holiday purchase since we already saw the whole thing multiple times.

    I enjoy traditional asian art, and as a yoga practitioner for about 10 years now I can tell you there is an awful lot of yogic philosophy in there – like an undercurrent. The episode where Aang is unlocking his chakras with the Guru – right out of yoga/Hindu/Tibetan Buddist philosophies.

    LOVE Apa – almost cried when he was Apa-napped by the sandbenders, LOVE the turtle/island/Spirit at the end, wish I could understand what he says to Aang. Thought the ending episode was fantastic and felt much like Julianne (above comment). Didn’t see the movie as I heard it was a letdown, especially in 3D.

    Glad to hear I’m not the only over-18 fan.

  23. Man, I wish I could tweet this article. But nevertheless! I love this show! I’m asking for it on DVD for Christmas/my 21st birthday 😀 thanks for the article, I’m glad I’m not the only dork out there who compared it, lovingly, to Harry Potter.

  24. This was one of the best anime\cartoon ever!!!!! I wish they would have done a fourth season to show show Aang and company are doing after the defeat of Firelord Ozai. But overall it was a great series and heopfully it will continue it’s success for generations to come.

  25. I love this series. My kids started watching it this summer and I got hooked as well. It is as good as tv gets in my opinion. Great writing, great characters, action, humor – it’s all there. I had no idea that a new avatar was coming – how exciting!

  26. hello,

    I fell in love with this tv show, i dont really know what i would call it if its an anime or manga or anything like that but i do have to say i enjoyed it a lot.I was very upset that they were down with it, it had a great plot and story line and kept me very interested toward the end, i would watch any of the episodes again it was totally something i enjoyed and will not forget.

  27. I absolutely love the cartoon, my 5yr old son and 28yr old brother got me hooked and we cannot get enough of it, hence we watch the downloaded version over and over again.Good to know there is another series coming out, can’t wait.

  28. I watched this series by default; my 12 yr old son was a fan. I became a silent fan to begin with as I sat with him watching. We both hope there is some follow-on although it finished in such a way that it felt pretty complete. I’m a noob according to my son; I’m 58 and the show held my interest. Is that good or scary? Regards, William

    • william that’s not scary at all i’m 29 and like you i’m also a fan of the series and still hoping there will be a follow up I heard the next Avatar will be a girl.

  29. It Is indeed one of the best cartoon series EVER !!

    I kinda miss Zuko the most ,, hard not to see him on tv again 😥

    I loved the story sooo much !!!
    & ty for making me remamber them again :’)

  30. The Real Movie got like 1 Star or Something,

    but i watched it and it was good, i didnt really understand why they gave it 1 star!!
    so werid.

    i love the cartoon!


  31. I loved this series!!! I just finished the whole series a few months ago. Me and my roommates watched it together and were grieving that it ended.

  32. HOLY SHIT!
    I think of myself as the observant type, but I never noticed the similarity between Harry Potter and Avatar!!! And I love both shows, of course!
    Admittedly though, those plot lines are very common.
    But you did a great post! Thanks for the insight!
    Lol, and I hate it when I have to get a life! Sigh….

  33. Wow, glad to hear you have finally finished watching the series. Astig nga sya, I got interested in this series after marinig ko na gagawa sila ng movie (I have’nt watched the movie kase I heard it was disappointing). Pinanood ko sya (series) and got immediately hooked. Ngayong lang ako ulit na hook sa cartoon after Samurai X and that was years ago (Ive always wanted to watch Naruto, One Piece and Bleach pero sobrang dame na ng episodes feeling ko mauubos oras ko para maka catch up). Ngayon ko lang narealize na oo nga, me similarities nga sya sa HP after reading your blog.

  34. hi chico! i’m an aang fan myself. discovered avatar when my eldest kept asking if bisons could fly. i shushed him off, of course until i saw in TV what he was so agitated about! he was only eight then! now he’s thirteen and we’re all crazy over Team Aang! we would have marathon viewings of the cartoon on long weekends. iroh is my favorite character in the series. loved zuko’s story arc 🙂

    there’s going to be a spin off – The Legend of Korra. it happens 70 years after aanng’s liberation of the fire lord’s rule in the four nations. looking forward to that!

  35. I LOVE this series. It was my sem break so I went home and my youngest sister was watching it on Nickelodeon. I got hooked immediately. ^_^

    P.S DON’T watch the movie. Totally sucks. The fun amazing avatar world became sad and gloomy.

    P.S.S you’re again featured on the freshly pressed site of wordpress… naks =D

  36. hi… I love avatar so much too. Glad that you like it though…
    wow, i never realised avatar has similarity to harry potter (which I love too). 😉

  37. Dragonball Z has been the only anime I’ve ever watched. My boyfriend loves anime, but hasn’t been able to convince to watch any. You on the other hand, had me at Harry Potter! I will most certainly try to get my hands on the DVDs. Congrats on being FP!

  38. Oh, I’ve loved Avatar The Last Airbender since I heard of it. It’s like, heavenly salvation fron a tough day. xD and I agree with littlemisschatterbox89. the movie was horrible.

  39. yeah.. when i saw the first few episodes on TV i had to get the DVD copies of this series… and finally couple of months ago i finally got the 3rd season..

    i just learned the legend of korra.. whooo.. can’t wait

  40. Congrats Chico! Favorite ka na ng WordPress. 😀 Akala ko mag-sheshameless plug ka lang. Sobrang inggit ni Delle. Good job! 😀

  41. Wahhhhhh Chico pinaalala mo pa sa akin ang 2 sa pinaka favorite ko na series tama ka. The first time na mapanood ko ang first episode ng first season nitong Avatar napansin ko na ang similarity sa HP kala ko namimiss ko lang ang barkada ng Harry Potter hehe. The best thing about Avatar are the characters its as if they were real and the plot of the series are superb!!! Movie sucks though.

    Toph Rules!!!!

    Yeah I heard there will be a new series of Avatar and it will be a girl this time can’t wait.

  42. i really love this animation. the presented philosophies/ideologies also served as affirmations on life for the viewers.

    can’t wait for the next avatar animation. 😀 The Legend of Korra. 😀

  43. naaalala ko ung nag trip c chico and said that he was the avatar and del will be katara. and was laughing my heart out when del was angry kasi chico tends to get all the lead while del only onthe supporting roles. hahahaha! para silang mga bata.

  44. Awesome post about a great show. My wife and I started watching it by accident one day and got hooked immediately. By far one of the best shows ever! It was crazy that such an innocent looking cartoon could be so deep.

  45. My husband has done a marathon of the series and was telling me to watch it with him. Kaya lang I was watching gLee marathons naman on my laptop. After I convinced him to watch gLee, I think, next stop will be Avatar.

    He’s also into Naruto, both in anime and manga. Share lang kami ng interests =)

  46. I was a Fire Bender and at first thought it was wrong… I COULDN’T be a fire bender.

    I also saw the whole series. I caught a bit of what my daughter was watching and was compelled to borrow the whole series. Although I also felt a loss when the series ended, I enjoy the magic of revisiting the DVDs 🙂

  47. Pingback: El Avatar, la leyenda « Kokyjabn – Vida y sueños

  48. *sigh* victimized again by your on-air plugging! You’re right though, I never saw the similarities of HP and Avatar before you mentioned it! Good job Chico aka the mole rat Garcia!

  49. The animation has a lot of life: side comments and side jokes, extra expressions, effort from the beginning. A fun animation series. ❤

  50. hala ako rin! kakatapos ko lang panoorin kagabi! at naiyak ako nung nawala si appa at full of rage si aang… 😦

  51. Enjoyed the post and I agree the series is really great! I wish that movie didn’t come along though….that could ruin it for anyone who hadn’t seen the animated series. But honestly I think more people should watch a show like Avatar and not judge it just because it’s animated. There’s so many great animated films and shows out there, that by dismissing it as a cartoon, you’re missing out on a lot of great storytelling.

    P.S. I took the test as well and got Waterbender too ^_^

  52. Chico!..nice review..i too got hooked with Avatar. by brothers and sister watched it, i joined them once and after that i enjoyed watching it too. i am wishing that i have Aang’s power..air bender..imagine how nice it is to fly.

  53. Everytime na may sina-suggest na show sayo si Del sa Morning Rush, I always hear you say na tinatapos mo pa yung Avatar. =) I’m a huge fan of the cartoon show too, so I was really glad when I read the first sentence of this post. Hahaha! Of course it was more than epic, there were four freaking epic battles on the finale.

  54. I have hope for you my friend! I read that they are in fact making a another series of Avatar! This one is about the next Avatar in line (I really hope they will include what happens to Aang and the gang) a female water bender (whose name I forget). The story will start when she is 16 and is told she is the Avatar. So hopefully this new series is as good as the first, and sadly they didn’t post the air date for it.

    On another note, I’m really glad you made the Harry Potter connection, I didn’t even think about the similarities between the two! And I’m glad this wasn’t about the movie, and for your sake and the love of Avatar DO NOT go see it. You will cry because a little piece of you will die inside for how much Shyamalan ruined it.

    • I agree. A little piece of you dies after watching the movie coz you just try so hard to appreciate it– out of respect and great love for the anime.

  55. Im a big fan of animé series like naruto (shippuden), ghost fighter, knight hunters, bleach, d gray man, neon evangelion etc.. And of course Avatar: the legend of Aang..like u, i sort of putting myself in the scene..like i was part of the story and i have my own character name.. It affect me that much coz somehow there are scene/s or character/s that will make u relate with them.. And there are also moments like i act or think like my favorite characters,.and its weird coz im 24yo to act like that. Lol

    -i didnt know that we have some similarities when it comes in cartoon or animé series.. 🙂

  56. I’m quite pleased to know I’m not the one who’s horribly hooked on the series. But unfortunately, the Movie didn’t live up to what it was based on…oh well, we’ll see if they improve on it in the next one. 🙂

  57. i was hooked also. i already finished the three books and man i love to see that movie adaptation of this animated flick. love how the characters are made, and i love to be an avatar too ha ha ha.

  58. hey Chico!

    i love your review on Avatar, love the series, love Toph – her toughness is her “charisma”. If Delle is Katara and you are Aang, can I be Toph? I also like the way you compared “Harry Potter” with Ävatar, both stories transport the readers and viewers into a new dimension. Just like the rest of the Avatar and Harry Potter fans, I am having “withdrawal symptoms” every time it ends…Hey by November 19 the first installment of Deathly Hallows will be shown…aint that grand? IMAX here we come!

  59. Great post…and o course this was a brilliant series…to bad it finished. I’ve been reading the movie reviews, and even though I eagerly expected it, it seems like they ruined the series with the movie which is rubbish…I’m not sure if I’ll even watch the movie because of these reviews…

  60. I agree with you Chicogarcia. I also got hooked from the very first episode. And let me tell you something, I’m not a kid. I’m 55 years old. Anyway… I also cared about the three seasons of this anime with I got from Netflix. That was awesome. I liked specially the way those characters were constructed, their complexities, weaknesses, and strengths. Specially the evolution of Zuko, that was the best. It reminds me not only of Harry Potter saga, but also of a literary trilogy by Garth Nix: Sariel, Lirael, and The Abhorsen. The control of the elements, of life and death. That is a theme that really intrigues me. I also agree with somebody who posted a comment: The movie with all the technology involved in 3D animation and special effects, did not added anything or make any faith to the series.

  61. I read from the avatar wikipage that there will be another Avatar Series. I dunno how that would go though but I hope it would be worth watching.

    For those who enjoyed the series and the characters, try looking for “Avatar Mini Anime” on Youtube. =D

  62. chico! congratulations for another blog milestone! (at least in recent memory). you already have 100++ comments for this post alone. cool. btw, i love aang so much, that i was terribly disappointed with shyamalan’s mess. HEHE.

  63. I’ve aLways been a fan of avatar since it started in nickelodeon and i think the ending is just perfect and i love watching the series over and over again 😀

  64. will wait for Korra! nice premise hehe

    “he Legend of Korra is set to be released in November of 2011. It will be a 12 episode mini series based on Avatar: The Last Airbender. Based 70 years after the defeat of Firelord Ozai, Legend of Korra is about the next avatar in the cycle. Korra is from the Southern Water Tribe and has mastered Waterbending, Earthbending, and Firebending. She must now learn Airbending from Aang and Katara’s son, Tenzin. It would seem to me that this is meant to serve as the Air book in the Avatar Series. Aang, already being a master Airbender only had to master Water, Earth, and Fire”

  65. I’m so glad the love for this series is still going strong.
    I re-watched it over the summer, and I loved it so much.

    I’m especially glad that the awful fallot of the live-action film hasn’t fully shaken the resolve of this show’s fandom. That casting debacle left a bitter taste in my mouth.

  66. i actually liked the movie. why? i did not know anything about the cartoons original. so i thank the movie for telling me there is an original cartoons series. i love the cartoon series and happy to hear that there are a lot of people who love it too. =)

    wuhoo! hooray for avatar =)

  67. Hi chico! I’m one of the silent morning rushers. Of course, I got sooo curious with your avatar blog that I just had to read it for myself. I, too, have caught the Avatar Fever and after having gone through the whole 3 books of it, I still regard it with awe. The plot is so finely woven, so enchanting and witty. And I’m not even a big fan of Animes.

    Anyways, kudos to you and Del for having perfected the art and science of radio entertainment! Being a mother now and having listened to some of the other dj’s and morning shows around, I am especially proud of how you’ve managed to keep the show wholesome despite the green undertones and double meanings so much so that I allow my 10 year old daughter to listen to you. What worked for me then works for her now. And for a whole lot of my friends and other people. God bless!

  68. I really love AVATAR: the last airbender! I recently finished watching all of the episodes. Its making me missing momo, appa, and the rest of them. The story is worthwhile. I love elements! Hope i could see more of stories or anime like them.

  69. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy goooooooooooooooood theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvaaaaaaatttttttttaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk foooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr mmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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  71. Pingback: 2010 in review « Strange Fruit

  72. Pingback: 25 Shows: Avatar: The Last Airbender « Life Behind The Scenes

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